Ve čtvrtek 15. října, na zatím neznámém místě kdesi v Bratislavě, budou školitelé z evropské sítě investigativních novinářů Organized Crime and Corrupion Reporting Project (OCCRP) hovořit o tom, jak se zapojit do mezinárodních investigativnách projektů, kudy a proč tečou přes střední Evropu špinavé peníze a kde a jak se perou, a nebo proč balkánské mafiánské špičky milují Bratislavu. Pokud se chcete dozvědět víc, sledujte nebo
Seminář bude v angličtině a předběžný program je zde:
1 – Why IJ matters? Is it dangerous? How to beat lawsuits and mobsters through fact checkers – and the golden standards of OCCRP. Speaker: Drew Sullivan
2 – Follow the money in Central Europe. What kind of information you can find in international databases, land registries and business registries? Investigative dashboard. Company structure overkill and how to deal with it – Visual Investigative Scenario. Speakre: Paul Radu
3 – The art of interview. How and why to talk to criminal figures and how and why to protect your sources. Speakre: Stevan Dojičinović
4 – Networking. Czechoslovakia still exists – at least for organized crime. Criminals go global, so must journalists. Speaker: Pavla Holcová
Paul Radu Romania Mr Paul Radu is the executive director of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and a co-creator of the Investigative Dashboard concept, of Visual Investigative Scenarios visualization software and of RISE Project a new platform for investigative reporters and hackers in Romania.
He has held a number of fellowships, including the 2008 Knight International Journalism fellowship with the International Center for Journalists as well as a 2009-2010 Stanford Knight Journalism Fellowship. He is the recipient of numerous awards including in 2004, the Knight International Journalism Award and the Investigative Reporters and Editors Award, in 2007, the Global Shining Light Award, the Tom Renner Investigative Reporters and Editors Award and in 2011 the Daniel Pearl Award for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting. His work on The Russian Laundromat, published by OCCRP and the RISE Project, has been nominated for the European Press Prize 2014 in the category of Innovation.
Drew Sullivan Bosnia and Herzegovina
Drew Sullivan is the Executive Editor and co-founder of OCCRP and served as the first director.
He founded and is Executive Director of the Journalism Development Network, an innovative media development organization with programs worldwide. He has served on the board of directors of Investigative Reporters and Editors and the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting. Before becoming a journalist, he was an aerospace engineer on the Space Shuttle Project for Rockwell International Space Systems. As a journalist, his work has been awarded the Daniel Pearl Award; the Online Journalism Award for investigative reporting; the Global Shining Light Award for reporting under duress; the Tom Renner Award for Crime Reporting and many other international awards.
Stevan Dojčinović Serbia
Based in Belgrade and working as director of KRIK, an OCCRP member, Stevan is a regional editor for OCCRP.
Winner in the past two years of Serbia’s top investigative awards, Stevan specializes in exploring links between organized crime and privatization deals, and connections between Balkan tycoons, organized crime, private security agencies and the gambling industry. Dojčinović also investigated the so-called Balkan route of international cocaine smuggling and corruption in the football clubs. His stories have been published and quoted all over the Balkans, and his work can be seen as pivotal in helping to discredit the former Serbian Government, proving links between key cabinet members and organized crime. He won the 2011 NUNS award for investigative reporting and was a finalist for the 2010 Daniel Pearl Awards for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting. Together with Miranda Patrucic (OCCRP) and Dejan Milovac (MANS), he has been nominated for the European Press Prize 2014 for their story Unholy Alliances – How Organized Crime, Government And Business Interact In Montenegro. He also teaches journalists how to collect and analyse business data.
Pavla Holcová Czech Republic
Based in Prague, Pavla is the founder of the Czech Center for Investigative Journalism, where she has investigated cases concerning Serbian organized crime suspects, Montenegrin secret service investments in Prague, money laundering, and offshore companies. Before founding the Czech center, she worked for six years at the People in Need humanitarian and human rights organization as head of the Cuban section. She is a co-recipient of the Global Shining Light Award and co-recipient of European Union investigative journalism prize for 2014’s best investigative story from Macedonia.